Aluminum alloy castings are used in most motorcycle engines and gearboxes as blocks, caps and load-bearing elements. After many years of operation, even with loose screws, in bad weather conditions, they usually require repair. Broken threads, oil caps sealed with tow, uncalibrated holes for centering sleeves, as well as huge […]
Yearly archives: 2023
3 posts
Previous Next Machining of engine blocks on the example of the Junak M07/M10 gearbox I offer the service of gearbox alignment of the Junak M10 M07 motorcycle on a numerically controlled machine. Standard service includes: – planning the contact surface with the left cover, – giving the factory spacing of […]
Aquablasting is a method of cleaning aluminum and copper alloys. It is a pressurized water jet treatment with a fine abrasive. Water acts as a buffer between the abrasive particles and the element, making Aquablasting more of a cleaning method than an abrasive machining method. The effect is more delicate […]